Activated sludge process – Secondary clarifier sizing


  • Calculate size of secondary clarifier

  • Calculate blower discharge head required

  • Convert blower size to field condition suction side conditions


Theoretical basis:


Design Philosophy (Courtesy: reprint from CPHEEO manual on wastewater engineering 2013)





(Note – all Yellow are user defined value, all white are fixed values,
all green are calculated value, all orange is calculated not to be


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are the results

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to us at urvpatel@swaenviro.com. We will try and help you with your
sizing and calculation


Parameter Value Unit Remarks
Flowrate MLD Ultimate build out capacity

41.67 cum/hr
Recirculated flow 5.00 % Assumed 5 %
Recirculated flowrate 2.08 cum/hr
Average flowrate 0.01 cum/s
Peak factor
3 for <2 MLD, 2.5 for <3.5 MLD , 2.25 for 5MLD
Peak flowrate 0.035 cum/s
Assumed RAS flowrate fraction of plant flow rate Maximum assumed for peak loading ; In reality it would range from 0.3-1 of the average plat capacity
RAS flow 1000 cum/day


Design Calculations
Tank sizing -As per conventional ASP
Solids loading rate kg/sqm-day 25-120 kg/sqm-day for average flow
Surface area required as per SLR 26.25 sqm Based on 100 % RAS flow rate of average and above SLR
Solids loading rate (Peak) kg/sqm-day 170 kg/sqm-day for peak flow;
Surface area required as per SLR (Peak) 71.47 sqm Based on 100% RAS + Peak & Recirculated
Surface overflow rate cum/sqm-day 8-12 cum/sqm-day for average flow; As per CPHEEO Nov-2013 Section, Table 5.8, Page 5.53 8-15 cum/sqm-day for average & 25-35 cum/sqm-day for peak;
Surface area required as per SOR 70.00 sqm Average + Recirculated
Surface overflow rate (Peak) cum/sqm-day As per CPHEEO Nov-2013 Section, Table 5.8, Page 5.53 8-15 cum/sqm-day for average & 25-35 cum/sqm-day for peak;
Surface area required as per SOR (Peak) 87.14 sqm Peak + Recirculated
Surface area selected 87.14 sqm Maximum of all of the above
Number of clarifier

Surface area of each clarifier 87.14 sqm
Diameter 10.54 m
Side water depth (Sewage) m >3-3.5 As per CPHEEO Nov-2013 Section, Table 5.8, Page 5.53
Sludge storage depth m
Total SWD 3.50
Length 10.89 m In case if rectangular is selected
Breadth m
Diameter 10.54 m In case if circular is selected
Bottom Slope 1:1 for rectangular or square and ‘1:10 for circular
Volume of each clarifier 305.22 cum
Hydraulic Retention Time (Q+ RQ) 3.49 hrs Considering RAS flow + Avg Q + Recirculated
Free board m 0.3-0.5
Check Weir loading rate at average flow + Recirculated 92.16 cum/m-day Should be <185 cum/day-m
Check OK

Secondary clarifier detailing
Launder (outside) Overflow in launder is from 1 side
Flowrate 0.04 cum/s Including 100% RAS of Peak flow + Recirculated
Velocity of flow in the launder to avoid deposition of solids m/s 0.6-1.2 m/s as per CPHEEO manual
C/S area of flow 0.06 sqm
Depth of flow m
Width of launder 0.29 m
Width of launder provided m
Free fall provided m
Free Board m
Total depth of launder 0.53 m
Diameter of each orifice mm 40, 50, 75 mm
Flow Thorugh all orifice cum/hr
Head over orifice cm


Area of orifice required for design flow & head 0.066 sqm
Area of each orifice 0.001256 sqm
Number of orifice 52.2 nos
Number of orifice (Rounded) nos
Degree spacing between each orifice 6.79 deg C/C
Electro-mechanical equipment sizing for RAS pump and WAS pump
Installed Max capacity

Max RAS flowrate required per basin or per process train 41.7 cum/hr
Pumping head required m As per P&ID and mechanical
Pumping power required 1.43 BkW
Efficiency of the pump % Efficiency assumed 70-85 %
Shaft power required 2.74 hp
Shaft power provided hp
Provide common pump for RAS & WAS application with tapping in RAS header for WAS withdrawal 42 cum/hr @ 12 meter head
Clarifier – Circular Schematic
Bottom Slope
As per CPHEEO manual 1:8 to 1:12
A 3.50 m Including 0.5 m F.B.
B m 0.5 clearance around central shaft
C m
D 1.48 m
E 0.48 m
F 4.77 m
Secondary clarifier dimensions (May change in actual GAD – this is only tentative)

Feed Well Tentative – verify with vendor
Diameter of feed well 2.11 m 10-20 % of tank diameter as per CPHEEO Page 5-58 Section Nov,2013
Height of feed well 2 m 1-2 m as per CPHEEO Page 5-58 Section Nov,2013
Downward velocity 0.02 m/s
CHECK velocity OK
No specifications in CPHEEO; <0.75 m/s as per Metcalf and Eddy Edition-5, Page-387, Section-5.6
Volume of feed well drum 6.98 cum
HRT of feed well 1.65 min
Sludge piping (Secondary Clarifier to RAS pump)
Sludge RAS flow per clarifier 0.0116 cum/sec
Velocity of flow in pipe m/s
C/S area of sludge removal pipe 0.01 sqm
Diameter 0.111 m
Diameter provided 0.200 m
C/S area 0.0314 sqm
Velocity during peak flowrate 0.37 m/s
Velocity during 50% RAS of Average flowrate 0.18 m/s Assuming 50% RAS flowrate; Should be 0.3-0.6 m/s as per CPHEEO manual
Velocity during 30 % RAS 0.11 m/s Assuming 30% RAS flowrate; Should be 0.3-0.6 m/s as per CPHEEO manual
At 50 % RAS flow of Average flow Intermittent RAS flow Regulation required

At 30 % RAS flow of Average flow Intermittent RAS flow Regulation required

RAS flow duration per hours @ 30% RAS flowrate 18.00 min/hr
RAS flow duration per hours @ 50% RAS flowrate 30.00 min/hr
Diameter 10.54 m
Side water depth 3.50 m
Free board 0.3 m
Feed well diameter 2.11 m
Feed well depth 2 m
Width of launder 0.29 m
Depth of launder incl free fall 0.53 m
RAS pump capacity 41.7 cum/hr
Bottom Slope 0.10
As per CPHEEO manual 1:8 to 1:12
A 3.50 m Including 0.5 m F.B.
B 1.00 m 0.5 clearance around central shaft
C 1.00 m
D 1.48 m
E 0.48 m
F 4.77 m
No of orifice 53.00 nos Equally spaced along the launder inner side
Orifice diameter 40.00 mm

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